Visit our blog to get useful tips and advice from our Los Angeles veterinarians that can help you keep your beloved cat or dog happy and healthy.

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Cataracts in Cats

Cataracts in Cats

Have you noticed your cat's eyes have become hazy or cloudy? If so, this may be a sign that your feline friend is developing cataracts. Here, our Los Angeles vets offer some insight on cataracts in cats and what to watch for. 

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How to Deal With Leash Aggression in Dogs

How to Deal With Leash Aggression in Dogs

Leash aggression in dogs is a common and often frustrating issue for pet owners. But dogs reacting aggressively while on a leash should be addressed promptly. In this article, our Los Angeles vets discuss leash aggression in dogs, including what may be causing it and how you can prevent it. 

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What to Expect at Your Cat or Dog's Wellness Exam

What to Expect at Your Cat or Dog's Wellness Exam

Taking your cat or dog in for routine exams is the best way to prevent and identify a variety of health issues in your pet. In this article, our Los Angeles vets discuss what you can expect when you bring your pet in for a wellness exam.

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Why does my cat sleep so much?

Why does my cat sleep so much?

No doubt about it, cats love to sleep. Our Los Angeles emergency vets are often asked by concerned cat owners if they should be worried that their cat is sleeping so much. When does a cat nap indicate that there may actually be a health emergency?

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First Aid for Pets

First Aid for Pets

We can take extra precautions to ensure we protect our pets the best we can, but sometimes accidents just happen. In this post, our vets in Los Angeles discuss what you should keep in an animal's basic first aid kit and how to perform pet first aid on your dog or cat.

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My Cat Won't Stop Vomiting: What to Do & When to Worry

My Cat Won't Stop Vomiting: What to Do & When to Worry

While almost all cats will sometimes vomit, frequent or severe vomiting can be a symptom of a more serious issue. Today, our Los Angeles vets explain the causes of vomiting in cats, why it won't stop, and when you should seek veterinary care. 

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My Pet Can't Stand & Keeps Falling - Possible Causes & What to Do

My Pet Can't Stand & Keeps Falling - Possible Causes & What to Do

If your dog or cat has been staggering, stumbling, or falling over, one or more underlying medical issues may be to blame. These can include infection, injury, poisoning, or stroke. Today, our Los Angeles vets discuss why you should take your pet to an animal hospital right away if this is happening.

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Dogs Eating Grass: Why Do They Do It and Is It Safe?

Dogs Eating Grass: Why Do They Do It and Is It Safe?

Many dogs love to smell, dig in, and eat grass. But should you be concerned if your dog is regularly dining on your lawn? Here, our Los Angeles vets discuss why dogs may habitually eat grass, and whether it is safe to do.

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Cat Teeth Cleaning: How to Clean Your Cat's Teeth

Cat Teeth Cleaning: How to Clean Your Cat's Teeth

Just like humans, cats can develop dental diseases. A daily tooth brushing routine will help maintain your cat's oral health into their senior years. In this post, our Los Angeles vets discuss what you should know about cleaning your cat's teeth. 

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How to Stop & Prevent Periodontal Disease in Dogs

How to Stop & Prevent Periodontal Disease in Dogs

Many dogs don't get the dental care they need, which can cause oral health problems like periodontal disease. In this blog post, our Los Angeles vets discuss the signs, causes, and treatment options for periodontal disease in dogs. 

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